(Sorry for the bad lighting...I couldn't have picked a worse time of day to take the picture, huh?)
If I said this wasn't time consuming, I'd be lying. Wrapping the styrofoam wreath took at least an hour, which I happily sat on the floor to do as I caught up some recorded TV shows. Then making the individual flowers took me a while because I couldn't figure out what techniques I wanted to use. I ended up making the basic felt roses you can find tutorials for everywhere and the funky sea anenome looking things. I can't seem to find the blog I got the tuturial from, but you can see a similar one here.
After two weeks of leaving felt pieces floating around the apartment and my wood "B" on the kitchen counter drying, I finally finished and made my front door pretty :) ...Now if only I could find a better hook to hang it! I've tried two different ones I had lying around and neither is very effective. Oh well...it'll just be crooked for now!